Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TV show

Eck, so I haven't been posting. Rectifying that.

This is an idea with no name and no defined plot, but I'm on Tumblr, and over the past few years I've become more and more comfortable with sexuality and discussing sex and I've found that there are a lot of things in shows like Sex and the City that weren't necessarily handled as well as they could have or should have.

I think it'd be interesting to create a show that's more of an amalgam of Sex and the City and Queer as Folk, giving representation to different kinds of people and sexuality.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Save (the World)

An overzealous hippie spends all her time fighting to save the world by burying herself in work for every cause she deems worthy, but her philanthropic ways are tested when she's diagnosed with a incurable disease whose only treatment sacrifices everything she fights for and she must choose between trying to save the world or trying to save herself.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


In a world where divorce papers can only be served one day a year, a desperate messenger has to track down a client he'd failed to serve for the last six years--his wife.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


When a valet driver gets carjacked while parking a very expensive car, he has to get the car back before its owners finish dinner or else it's more than just his job on the line.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Monsterland is more of a world than a story at this point, the idea being that  The Great Storyteller rules Fairytale World with an inky fist, dictating who is good and who is evil, but not all monsters are bad, and not all good creatures are as nice as we are led to believe.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Evil Pigeons

No, that's not a real title, but I think you know where I'm going with this.

A flock of pigeons that acts as a mafia like gang takes over a public park, terrorizing the other creatures that live there and harassing the humans that stroll through until one brave little squirrel goes on a vigilante mission to take them down and risks losing his own morality in the process.

It's kind of like Mean Girls meets A Bug's Life, but not. This is probably not a very good idea, but it was fun to come up with nonetheless.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Something I've been working on with tumultuous regularity, but maintains a constant flame singeing the corners of my mind is a collection of stories. I'm still not certain how I'd like them to be structured, if they'll end up as plays, stories, or scripts, but a collection nevertheless of people dealing with shame.

Shame is a curious emotion that eats at our insides, makes our cheeks burn, and coils our stomachs. It's a human experience to deal with shame, and I am very interested in what causes us to feel it, why we feel it, how we respond to it, deal with it and manage it. For some, living with shame and guilt is a daily task that they've learned to deal with, for others, it consumes and makes it impossible to concentrate on anything else.

When setting out to begin this project I asked myself what made me feel ashamed and I came up with a surprisingly long laundry list of shames that plague me on a daily basis. However, I opened it up to some friends and followers from a different blog, asking them what they were ashamed of. The results were surprising and vast.

I wondered how much of the shame we feel comes from us feeling as though we're doing something wrong by someone else's standards instead of our own.

There are a few situations and characters that have started blossoming in my mind surrounding this project, but this is also a project that I won't be talking about very much outwardly until it is finished, so for now I ask, what are you ashamed of?

Back to Basics

I've been reading The Happiness Project as of late and have been actively preparing to start a freelance writing business and I keep coming back to this blog in my mind. It's an unforgotten promise that I just haven't been dealing with, so now I'm going to try, really try to post on here and get this thing going.

Every day, one idea. It can be a character or title, a short synopsis or long, just as long as it's something to get me writing and posting and thinking about things and coming up with new ideas. It doesn't have to be for a movie or book, it doesn't need to be fiction, it just needs to be here.

Here we go again.
