Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Challenge

I love writing. It's what I plan to do with my life, but I have a tendency to come up with a couple ideas, go with one, work on it for ages, and then repeat the process.

However, I feel as though I keep writing a lot of the same things and I'd like to branch out. So I'm taking on a challenge of coming up with a new story idea (perhaps not every day, likely a few days a week since I am working on a major writing project right now) and creating a premise for the idea and perhaps even writing a scene from it. If not a full-on story, then a character and some detailed background on them.

I'll be drawing my ideas from all over the place, some I'm sure will be me asking friends for a few actors and trying to create a movie they'd be in. At any rate, I'm setting out to challenge my own creativity and strengthen that muscle.

If anyone does read this, I hope it's at least mildly entertaining and that it may spark some interesting ideas for you as well!
